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Ruby room | club rubettes

Em's Letter ~ Recession Recession Recession 16.06.23

We’ve been like, "is this it?" "Oh wait is THIS it now?" So yesterday’s announcement was like, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, THERE it is."

Recession recession recession - honestly it was weirdly calming to have it confirmed yesterday. We have noticed a slow down recently, and we’ve been talking for a while about how eventually, the merry-go-round of the post-COVID growth will stop. We’ve been like “is this it?” “Oh wait is THIS it now?” So yesterday’s announcement was like “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, THERE it is”.

Here is what I want to say:

If you are my age or younger, your entire capital C Careers have gone from one macro crisis to another. I’m not going to list them all because I’ve had enough anxiety-inducing material for the week, but I will say that it can feel intense; CAN WE JUST CATCH A BREAK PLEASE. I started at RUBY in 2008, right at the beginning of the GFC. My m8s, it was hard out.

To those who this is your first experience of a recession, I remember a feeling of hopelessness, friends graduating from university with no job to go to, or new to the workforce and being made redundant.

And to my elders, I want to say that I respect you.

I know that it is tough tough tough for a lot of people.

This year we have donated $5k to the Auckland City Mission, and contributed to $1k to one lucky Rubette’s rent. We will continue to give our time, and use what we have here (giving clothing to our charity partners for example) to contribute to our wider community.

Am I over stating it to say that I feel like RUBY is part of your lives? Maybe. It definitely is our intention to enrich your days. I want to hear from you what you want from us. It might be a contributor for The Best Is Yet To Come, an instore event, how we shoot our things, or yes, a piece of good old fashioned clothing. Any idea is a good idea in a brainstorm! I’m at bbs.

P.S. Today I went for a walk in the rain and naughtily picked this flower. Thank God for flowers eh?

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